Thursday, September 4, 2008

iTalkbb adding taiwan local number

iTalkbb started to provide Taiwan Local Number feature in the US and Canada on August 15th. This is the third local number iTalkbb provided after China and Hong Kong local number. A monthly fee of $4.99 will apply but they are waiving the $14.99 activation fee for Taiwan Number if you sign up this feather before 2008-9-30.

Here is how it works. Regardless of any plan you’ve subscribed previously, you can receive unlimited incoming calls from Taiwan for free with the new Taiwan Local Number service, you just need to pay additional $4.99 surcharge every month. Your friends and family in Taiwan can dial your Taiwan Local Number from their home phone or cell phone to reach you anytime in the US without paying international long distance charge.

Calls placed outside of Taipei will have a long distance charge, but no international long distance charge. Friends or clients from anywhere around the world can reach you through the Taiwan Local Number . You can even create an image of having a Taiwan branch by utilizing the Taiwan Local Number .

Use promotion code "702610+8991035773", you can save an additional $15 off at

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